Get Rid of Moles
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Now every order of MoleAttack comes with 24 treatments to get rid of moles eaiser and faster!

How do I get rid of moles?  Everyone always has the same old answers;  traps, sonic chasers, poison, pitchforks, and even dynamite!!!   Now the ultimate answer to get rid of moles is MoleAttack!

MoleAttack is a completely non-toxic, environmentally-safe product that will get rid of moles!

  • Safe for humans and pets
  • Takes less then 5 minutes
  • Moles vacate your yard and do not return
  • Quick - Easy - Safe - Inexpensive
  • Moles will be gone in 12 - 24 hours
  • Get rid of moles, voles and gophers
  • Will really get rid of moles in your yard

  • With MoleAttack, you don't have to worry about cutting off your fingers, poisoning your pets, or blowing up your yard!  It's simple.  Just drop a biodegradable ball into the mole hole and soon your lawn will be mole-free!

    Most yards have 1 or 2 active trails. Each active mole trail will use 1 or 2 wads of MoleAttack.

    Each order of MoleAttack comes with 24 MoleAttack wads, more than enough to get rid of moles for even large lawns.

    MoleAttack will get rid of moles.

    MoleAttack is the best way to get rid of your moles.

    Purchase MoleAttack
    MoleAttack costs $23.95 per container, plus $3.95 shipping


    Other ways to get rid of moles:
    None of these get rid of moles well, but they will drive you crazy.

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